Inspiring people and organizations to live and work with passion, purpose and consciousness.
"Dina has been recognized as Top Manifestation coach by Coach foundation, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry."
Ignite SQ is an organization, which was born out of a passion to support individuals and corporates live and work in more fulfilling and productive ways.
We do this through providing unique and powerful leadership and personal development workshops as well as offering executive, life and team coaching sessions. What makes us unique is the SQ in our name, which stands for Spiritual Intelligence- which essentially means- making the most of your dash! Let’s be clear: Spiritual Intelligence is not about religion. It is centered around Quantum Physics and the Universal Laws that govern everyone and everything. SQ is the next evolutionary step that we all need to take, in an attempt to understand and apply the energetic laws that govern us. Ignite SQ starts this journey by focusing on passion, purpose and consciousness. Get in touch today, and let’s discuss how we can work and grow together: |
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